ADHICS: Innovative Solutions for Enhanced Productivity

Abu Dhabi Healthcare Information and Cyber Security Standard (ADHICS) 

What is ADHICS ?

ADHICS, the abbreviation for the Abu Dhabi Healthcare Information and Cyber Security Standard, is under the exclusive regulation of the Abu Dhabi Department of Health (DoH). Instituted in 2019, the primary objective of this standard is to safeguard critical information and uphold confidentiality within the healthcare sector.

The mandated adoption of ADHICS by healthcare entities regulated by the Department of Health (DOH) will significantly fortify data privacy and security protocols within Abu Dhabi's health domain. By adhering to this regulation, the health industry in Abu Dhabi will be held accountable to global benchmarks concerning data privacy and information security.

In essence, the primary objectives of the ADHICS standard revolve around ensuring seamless accessibility and user-friendliness of sensitive patient data in Abu Dhabi, while concurrently upholding its quality, accuracy, and integrity.

Abu-Dhabi Health information security standard aims to enhance and protect information security and patient healthcare records in all healthcare entities.

The healthcare entity must submit a security assessment every three months and achieve 86% compliance.

The healthcare entity needs to participate in the annual information security audit to get a certification and renew it afterwards.

ADHICS compliance is a prerequisite to go through the Malaffi onboarding process.

Our Services:

  • IT Management Control
  • Risk & GAP Assessment
  • Asset Classification
  • IT Security Testing
  • Network security Management
  • Operation Policies and Control
  • Risk Treatment Plan
  • ADHICS Policies & Procedures
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